Social benefits of sport

We all know those beneficial influences of sport on our health, the physical but also the mental one; getting rid of stress and frustrations, strengthening our heart and muscles but also improving our appearance. Those are only a few of many examples that we can enumerate. However, there is also another essential aspect of doing sport, about which many people forget. It is nothing more like 'social adjustment'. So let's have a quick look at some attitudes that we develop thanks to sport.
  1. Pushing our limits and undertaking the risk
    Noticeable progress, after doing some exercises, motivates us to do more and to try harder as we start to believe in ourselves and our abilities so that any fear gives away to this irresistible temptation of challenging your weaknesses and improving our inner strength.
  2. Accepting temporary defeat and undertaking the next challenge
    While our trening we become more conscious that actually we never fail because we know that not a golden medal but actually our personal improvement, it means: all the things that we worked out while our hard trainings and the fact that despite difficulties we didn't give up, decides of our victory.
  3. No pain, no gain
    Doing sport teaches us how to be systematic and perseverant but also patient as in any process where the quality is formed, sacrifictions and a huge effort are inevitable. However in the end when we look at the results we know that it was worth it and thus we appreciate it more.
  4. Respecting rules
    Participating in many competitions but also playing team games requires following certain rules that may decide of your winning or your losing so that playing 'fair play' is so essential. Of course there are some who always find a shortcuts to achieve their goals. However, I personally think that the victory only matters when bases on the real proof and on not the fraud.
  5. Respecting other players
    Being the member of a team makes you feel that you belong to something special, that you with your teammates makes some kind of integrity. This may infuelnce on your sense of responsability towards them and develop the need of team work as you know that only your cooperation and agreement may bring nearer the sucess that you are togather fighting for.
